Cleared at the Olympics

Whether Spanish or English, the TRIAS schools were once again very successful in this year's language competition organized by the SIS school network.

GTA Rugby

Our all-day rugby program, initiated by our sports teacher Miguel Gonzalez, is so popular that the Jähnichen family from Elsterberg decided to provide the entire team with jerseys!

First class science live chat

What is your favorite science fiction novel? How much do you earn as a scientist? Do you have to have a high IQ to be a scientist?

Safer Internet Day

Home / Blog News from everyday school life Safer Internet Day Safer Internet Day has been held annually on the Tuesday of the second week of February since 2008. It is intended to draw the attention of pupils, parents and teachers to the dangers of the Internet and to promote the correct use of media. The SID is initiated by the "Safer Internet DE" association with klicksafe,, [...]

Language diversity

We translate our web pages with an extension that uses state-of-the-art software to create an automatic translation.

For this reason, we cannot guarantee a perfect and error-free translation.