Education for life

TRIAS Gymnasium

to our school!

Openness to the world, values and standards, a sound general education, foreign language skills and, last but not least, media and business skills: for us, the TRIAS Schulen Elsterberg, these are not just empty words in times of increasing globalization. For us, holistic education means learning with head, heart and hand.

We want to make growing people strong for this ever-growing, ever-changing world in the sense of our name giver Carl Hahn "My field is the world". What makes our school so special and what we have to offer, you can find out here.


News from
the school day

GTA Rugby

Unser Ganztagesangebot „Rugby“, ins Leben gerufen von unserem Sportlehrer Miguel Gonzalez, erfreut sich so großer Beliebtheit, dass sich Familie Jähnichen aus Elsterberg entschlossen hat, die gesamte Mannschaft mit Trikots auszustatten!


Open house

Tag der offenen Tür 2024 Alljährlich kurz vor den Winterferien öffnen die TRIAS Schulen in Elsterberg ihre Türen, um Besuchern und Interessenten die Möglichkeit zu


"Hotsy Totsy"
Children's Center for Holistic
Therapy and Soul Happiness

Occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy and courses for educators as well as parents.

Language diversity

We translate our web pages with an extension that uses state-of-the-art software to create an automatic translation.

For this reason, we cannot guarantee a perfect and error-free translation.